Ku, Lee, Park, Lee, and Jeong: Clinical outcomes of a low-cost single-channel myoelectric-interface three-dimensional hand prosthesis
Arch Plast Surg 2019;46:303-10. https://doi.org/10.5999/aps.2018.01375
We have noticed two errors in our published paper above.
Erratum: Correction of Figure
In Fig. 3, the name of “Figure by courtesy of Sanho Yi” should be “Sangho Yi.”
Erratum: Correction of Table
In Table 2, the P-value of VAS score in the Pre-Post 3rd should be revised from 0.03 to 0.3.
The revised table is shown below.
Table 2.
OPUS-UEFS scores, VAS scores, and prosthesis usage
Mean ± SD
Pre-application Post-application 1 mon Post-application 3 mon Pre–Post 1st Pre–Post 3rd
OPUS-UEFS 45.50 ± 21.45 54.00 ± 27.84 60.10 ± 22.80 0.1063 0.0014a)
VAS 5.200 ± 1.687 4.500 ± 2.173 4.000 ± 2.449 0.7 0.3a)

OPUS-UEFS, Orthotics Prosthetics User Survey–Upper Extremity Functional Status; VAS, visual analog scale of pain; Pre–Post 1st, between pre-application status and 1 month post-application; Pre–Post 3rd, between pre-application and 3 months post-application.

a) Statistically significant, P<0.05.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused.