Choi and Kim: Erratum: Clinical Application of Three-Dimensional Printing Technology in Craniofacial Plastic Surgery
Arch Plast Surg 2015;42:267-77.
This erratum is being published to correct the printing errors on page 267. The last sentence of the Abstract contained a typographical error. The number '500' should have been '800'.

Before correction

"In addition, the benefits and possibilities of the clinical application of 3D printing in craniofacial surgery are reviewed, based on personal experiences with more than 500 craniofacial cases conducted using 3D printing tactile prototype models."

After correction

"In addition, the benefits and possibilities of the clinical application of 3D printing in craniofacial surgery are reviewed, based on personal experiences with more than 800 craniofacial cases conducted using 3D printing tactile prototype models."